Monday, June 4, 2007

I may be heart-broken... But I ain't sad....

I maybe heartbroken... but I ain't sad...
On the fast track to get my life back...
Got a pen and a notepad.. to note down what went wrong in all of that..
But there is only one conclusion I got so far... After clearing up all the mud and the tar...
I see that I gave in to everything you said... making me look like a fool beleiving in all that crap...
I wanted to share whatever I had with you.. Thinking that it'll grow aslong as we're true (to eachother)...
To eachother's feelings we'll respect and care... not leaving behind one an other in this world's fair...
But reality broke it down to me.. I was getting nothing but lies and deceit...
Shall I frown or pass this as a mistake... that you didn't know I raised the stakes...
Cause I wanted it to last not fall apart in the middle... didn't want it to sound like a difficult riddle...
But if its this then I don't mind... Cause I might be heartbroken but I ain't loosing my mind...

- Maddy -
1st june, 2007... 0110 am...


Thats true...
Now I ain't loosing my mind.... Not anymore!

1 comment:

Sana Kazmi said...

heY so touched by this peom...its simply too gud to be true....luvd each n every senence of it....nice work dude!!!