Thursday, April 3, 2008


Now this is another old piece of mine...
The document is dated Sunday, December 23, 2007, 2:58:06 PM
So here goes...

What the fuck is your problem...
What the fuck is your case...

Whats with the fuckin' long face...
Whats with all the gloom...

You're making your life a living hell on your own...
Then you say that your past is to blame...

We met, we fell, we grew together...
We're through, we're through and we're fuckin through...

Don't show me your sadness, you're pathetic little lies...
I can't help you, even if you were to be my wife..

Am up and going, you did the very same...
Now loving this life... As you should do the same...

This life is too short to regret and mourn over past...
But very long if you wanna live in your past...

Am sorry for this coldness, as you're the one to bring us here...
Go find some other idiot, as this idiot's mind is all clear....

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